Herbal tea 263: Gueni, Souchet, Afio, Cyperus Rotondus, Benefits

Cyperus Rotondus, Gueni in Bambara, and Afio in the Fon language in Benin have several names: sweet pea, nutgrass tuber, fruit tuber, edible or sweet nutgrass or sultan, gland or almond in French, tiger nuts in English, chufa in Spanish, etc.

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Gueni Souchet Afio Cyperus Rotondus Benefits

Cyperus Rotondus, Gueni in Bambara, and Afio in the Fon language in Benin have several names: sweet pea, nutgrass tuber, fruit tuber, edible or sweet nutgrass or sultan, gland or almond in French, tiger nuts in English, chufa in Spanish, etc. Cyperus Rotondus is widely cultivated in India with a slightly bitter taste. Other species exist such as Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus articulatus or Cyperus alternifolius. It is important to remember that Cyperus have almost the same virtues and names in local languages, some call it tiger nut, ground almond or sweet pea.

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Geni Magic Plant with 201 Virtues

Afio or Gueni or Souchet is a wet plant that grows at the edge of the water and has a height of 25 to 40cm forming a tuft with its thin leaves. The slender rhizomes born from the root bear small, ovoid tubercles that are yellowish to black to brown with a scaly appearance reminiscent of tiger skin. There is another species in India called nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus) which has a rather bitter taste. It is a plant for health permanently because the gene purifies the blood and cleanses internally and externally. The Geni cleanses the genitals of women and men, treats sexual infections, also heals stomach wounds, especially after childbirth, and gets rid of bad intimate odours. The Nutmeg treats vaginal dryness, regulates the menstrual cycle, fights nausea and soothes painful periods. See the directions for use by reading the entire page with close attention. Consuming gueni regularly is felt in the urine.

Geni and its family

The Cyperus Rotondus or Souchet, Gueni or Afio or tuber fruit, belongs to the Cyperaceae family and the Monocotyledon species. Native to the Mediterranean basin - in North Africa, West, Central and Southern Europe - this perennial, rhizomatous plant is a herb whose particularity is its particular tuber. Indeed this seed-shaped tuber is talked about around the world. It has a slightly sweet, sometimes a little bitter nutty flavour with a particular composition and is eaten raw, roasted or dry. the the the the the the the the the gun is highly recommended for women who have just given birth

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Brief Composition of Gueni or Afio or Souchet or Cyperus Rotondus

and its composition in proteins (7%), carbohydrates (50%), lipids (22%), iron (13-40%), vitamin C (2-8%), zinc (5-7%), etc. It is eaten dry and raw. Once dried and especially roasted, guns can be stored for a very long time. Geni is highly recommended for women who have just given birth and others.

Geni is sexually good

Geni koumba fights premature ejaculation and increases men's sexual performance. Tigernuts make sperm abundant and increase libido or sexual pleasure in men or women too. It allows to have a unique and special taste in bed It preserves the man's virility

Nutcracker or Cyperus Rotondus does not have gluten

Le Guin has everything to please and to please everyone. Indeed, Cyperus Rotondus does not contain gluten, which allows those who are allergic to it or who cannot tolerate it, to be able to consume it without worry. This fruit tuber from the Chufa plant is native to the Mediterranean basin and Africa. It is recognized by its amber colour, slightly tiger. Geni or Afio or Cyperus Rotondus is slightly sweet, very sweet and its taste is a bit like almond. Guéni is a good food source that balances the body and provides instant well-being

Note: Gluten is a sticky substance composed of proteins and involved in particular in food. The term derives from the classical Latin gluten meaning "glue, glue gum" 1, it was initially called glutin.

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Geni very rich in minerals

It is good for everyday well-being because of its richness in minerals. You will thus fill up with minerals: zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Are you lacking in antioxidant vitamin E and fertility vitamins? Good thing, that the nutgrass contains a lot of it. In addition, it offers vitamin C, trace elements, unsaturated fatty acids and enzymes: biotin, rutin, and flavonoids, which protect the body from free radicals. It is an excellent source of Magnesium which provides nearly 15% of magnesium daily. Its presence of a normal dose of magnesium in the body promotes energy replenishment, muscle development in the presence of protein, helps take care of the kidneys, and prevention of menstrual problems in women. It facilitates the stable maintenance of body pH, fights fungal infections, the appearance of dermatitis and the introduction of calcium into the bones, to prevent osteoporosis, dental caries, etc. The Geni or Afio is excellent for having a very abundant sperm. The guéni or given in association with the root gouro and the again ago make you fat quickly. Do not miss integrating the tonisex GP program to go faster

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The Geni is Perfect against the hunger pangs

If you are on a diet or watching your figure, you can eat nutgrass or Afio with your eyes closed. To stall small (or large) cravings, we gladly forget cookies that are too sweet and too fatty and we dip our hand in a bag of tiger nuts, very nourishing. If you nibble on it, you will quickly be satisfied thanks to its power of repletion. Its fibres swell and moderate appetite.

The Souchet facilitates transit

Rich in good quality fibre, Souchet facilitates transit and drainage. Indeed, Professor Walter Schartz, a German biologist and chemist, said tiger nuts it was a "survival food" because, still according to him, 30 g per day is sufficient for the survival of a man by covering its basic nutrient requirements. In addition to being a source of omega 9 and aid against bad cholesterol, nutgrass is a tuber rich in nutrients and drainage elements. Geni facilitates good digestion and reduces bloating, colic and gas. It can be used in case of diarrhoea (thanks to its high starch content) and to relieve irritation of the colon. Le Guéni fights irritable bowel syndrome in a very short time

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Le Guin and Aesthetics, Other benefits

Geni helps to have an even, radiant and beautiful complexion. it makes the skin soft and pleasant to the touch. tiger nuts maintain and beautify the skin of women and men. It is a better source of potassium than bananas, its regular consumption ensures good regulation of blood pressure, and helps control heart activity. Geni regulates the amount of acid-base, promotes proper distribution of water in the body, helps the body during the processing of carbohydrates, etc. With 25 tuberous seeds of Afio, 139 mg of potassium is obtained which is effective for the human body. Thus consuming Afio helps to avoid hypotension, fatigue, arrhythmia and muscle weakness.

Consumption of Geni and other Uses

Tigernuts or Gueni are often eaten as a treat, but today, their milk, oil and flour are produced. Geni flour is popular as a seasoning in meals and cake making. Often a little hard, it is recommended to soak them in water to soften them. This promotes better texture and more tenderness while consuming raw and dry Afio. It should therefore be consumed either after soaking in water or after roasting in an oven to avoid the total non-absorption of its nutrients by the human body. Organic grocery stores offer it in several forms: vegetable tiger nut milk, flour, spread, natural, oil. It's up to you to see which use suits you best. Eat as candy or toast or as a base in a pastry instead of wheat flour? Also, know that its deliciously scented oil will enhance your salads and other raw vegetables. You can also consume these tubers as an aperitif, as a snack or dipped in yoghurt or a glass of milk, quite simply. Please vary the mode of use

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Why Use Gueni

Geni or Afio or Indian Nut is useful to Cleanse and Purify your body of toxins accumulated over years. Indian nutgrass purifies the uterus in women and the prostate in men. Guéni facilitates the conception and production of sperm. Regular consumption of Geni facilitates hormonal balance and heals sterility. Indeed, it boosts fertility, relieves menstrual pain, regulates female cycles and facilitates the return of diapers. Any woman wishing to conceive is advised to cleanse with Gongoli and to consume a gun daily to better prepare her body for conception and prevent miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. Indeed, this magical plant cleanses and detoxifies the entire reproductive system of women and men. In addition, Geni improves the quality of cervical mucus, regulates the menstrual cycle, stimulates vaginal secretion, and fights frigidity, vaginitis, and vaginal dryness. Geni or Afio is used to prevent urinary and vaginal infections because it is a natural antibiotic and diuretic. In the mouth, Geni provides good breath, refreshes and purifies it. Have a gun in your mouth often for healthy and pleasant breath. The guéni only does good and is not toxic

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Geni is incorporated with other ingredients such as myrrh and burned as incense. Incense drives evil spirits out of your home and attracts positive vibrations. The Gene and the myrrh increase the purifying power of the incense and when you add the elephant poop you drive out the Night Husbands and other harmful ghosts. So
a well-dosed incense purifies, balances, harmonizes and overcomes many difficulties. In addition, well-used incense stimulates harmony in your home, promotes good humour, and prosperity in the house and avoids conflicts. Good for the depressed

How to use an Incense

Frankincense is a one-to-one panacea that everyone should use because there is nothing evil about putting incense to good use.

Others benefits 


- Cleanses the body, Balances the mind and Detoxifies the entire reproductive system
- Improves the quality of cervical mucus, facilitates conception and stimulates the vaginal secretion
- Fights frigidity, vaginitis, and vaginal dryness and pleasures sex
- Natural antibiotic and Diuretic - Prevents urinary and vaginal infections
- Promotes hormonal balance, regulates the menstrual cycle and fights anovulation
- Reduces menstrual pain and stops prolonged periods
- Aphrodisiac for Men and Women to use daily
- Stimulates blood flow in the pelvic region and uterus
- Firms vaginal muscles and uterine lining
- Get rid of bad intimate odours and improve the quality of sexual intercourse with rapid recovery
- Restores strength, liveliness, energy and vitality. In Addition, it makes an  alert
- Increases the level of haemoglobin and iron in the blood and fights sickle cell disease effectively
- Strengthens the immune system and boosts the immune defences
- Promotes the return of diapers, the loss of the belly after childbirth and the elimination of bad fats
- Anti-hemorrhagic and rich in iron
- Relieves gastric ulcers, and diarrhoea and fights irritable bowel syndrome
- Stimulates the liver, Regulates digestive disorders and tones the colon
- Reduces acne


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