Herbal tea N ° 149: Active incense Saint Gabriel, the messenger

Saint Gabriel, Incense Saint Gabriel, the messenger Useful for artists and creative minds. But all of them want to create, to pray, but cannot. Discover invaluable help.

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Reference: 149

In stock: 1200

20,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

Herbal tea N ° 149: Active incense Saint Gabriel the messenger

The product


Saint Gabriel, Incense Saint Gabriel, the messenger is a good support for prayer to grant a wish that is dear to us, to find a lost love, to ask for clemency, to bring back the loved one. Saint Gabriel Incense, Saint Gabriel Incense, and the Messenger allows you to connect with your guardian angel or a higher spirit more easily. Always lean on a pure spirit in your requests because the pure spirits, the living consecrated souls are always well disposed to serve. There are spiritual laws which do not depend on any religion except love and only love is the universal religion. Do not underestimate the role of the saints, the power of the saints, the power of living or deceased beings who have devoted their entire lives to love, charity, the divine cause, etc. All holy places, all churches, all highly active places of prayer are ruled by a pure spirit, a higher entity, and it cannot be otherwise. What happens in the spiritual world is like what happens in the lower earthly world because what is high is like what is below to work the miracle of one thing. This incense makes it possible to see in a dream or a dream the soul mate in order to form a stable home. Click on Divine Protection and discover this product.

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Herbal tea N ° 149: Active incense Saint Gabriel, the messenger will help you to ask for clemency as well as to bring back the loved one.


-powder in 50g sachet


-Mineral and plant extracts

Price: 20 €

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The therapeutic effects of incense.

Herbal Tea 149: Saint Gabriel, Incense Saint Gabriel, the messenger is a good support for prayer to grant a wish that is dear to us, to find a lost love, to ask for clemency, to bring back the loved one. Saint Gabriel Therapy 149, Saint Gabriel Incense, the messenger allows you to connect with your guardian angel or a higher spirit more easily. Always lean on a pure spirit in your requests because the pure spirits, the living consecrated souls are always well disposed to serve. There are spiritual laws which do not depend on any religion except love and only love is the universal religion.

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Do not underestimate the role of the saints, the power of the saints, the power of living or deceased beings who have devoted their entire lives to love, charity, the divine cause, etc. All holy places, all churches, all highly active places of prayer are ruled by a pure spirit, a higher entity, and it cannot be otherwise. What happens in the spiritual world is like what happens in the lower earthly world because what is high is like what is below to work the miracle of one thing. This incense makes it possible to see in a dream or a dream the soul mate in order to form a stable home.

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Contact us on Afrique Santé Bio Médecine Africaine To buy your organic herbal tea


To make love vows, to find a lost love, to have a good husband, to have a good wife, to see a soul mate in a dream, to make big sentimental decisions, to choose a friend in case of doubt or a friend, clairvoyance, divine inspiration, etc.

Instructions for use: Read the instructions

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