Hemospermia the presence of blood in semen is a non-fatal condition that usually resolves and does not require medical attention. Often, if symptoms are regular and a person's age is over 40, an evaluation for prostate problems and a checkup for prostate cancer should be done. Our article will shed more light on the proper natural and home remedies to use for this ailment.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 27/07/2022

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Cause of Hemospermia

The most likely cause of blood in semen is:

Trauma from a prostate biopsy. You may see blood for up to four weeks after the procedure.

Vasectomy trauma. You may see blood for more than a week.

Treatment of prostate cancer by external radiotherapy or brachytherapy.

An Infection or inflammation of the seminal tract.

Leakage of blood from a small blood vessel that bursts during ejaculation - the same way a person bleeds from the nose after blowing their nose.

Other potential causes or associated conditions may include:

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): including gonorrhoea, chlamydia or any other viral or bacterial infection.

Prostate disorders: including benign prostatic hyperplasia, acute bacterial prostatitis, cysts and polyps.

Natural remedies for hemospermia

Herbal Tea 163 for Hemospermia

It is the best herbal tea that has been specially designed by the HEALTH ORGANIC centre to give hope to all patients with hemospermia. It was made from medicinal plants and leaves. It has proven effective and has no side effects. Learn more about this natural remedy by clicking on the link below:

Click here for more information on azoospermia products

Cranberry herb for Hemospermia

Cranberry is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 2M and grows in temperate climates. Cranberries are rich in minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Cranberry's high acidity levels inhibit the growth of bacteria inside the body. It contains a nutrient known as proanthocyanidins which fight bacteria and prevents infections. It is very effective and has no side effects.

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  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Eat healthy foods like beans, lentils, quinoa
  • Include more soy in your diet

Use of meat (especially seafood), heavy food intake and indigestion, excess salt and astringent materials should be avoided
We also recommend your natural food supplement below:

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Excessive exercise and urge suppression (vegavidharan) should be avoided
Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Home Remedies for Hemospermia

If you have blood in your semen from trauma, simply resting and allowing your body to heal can help. If you also have to swell in your groin, you can apply ice to the area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, but no longer than that.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 27/07/2022

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