Beware benign tumors!

Beware benign tumours!

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Watch out for benign tumours or cancers!

For naturalists, the primary cause of the disease is diet, lifestyle and our increasingly polluted environment. Today, no one is sure of the purity of the air he breathes, of the healthy origin of what he eats and sometimes of the medicines he takes. Everything is denatured, chemical and artificial and we have become artificial beings, living sick and potentially dying. According to WHO statistics, 70% of the living area undeclared sick, 20% are sick and know what they are suffering from and there are only 10% of people in perfect health, mostly children. The 90% of people who live in big cities are walkers or carriers of many germinating diseases due to pollution and bad living. Diseases that were once rare have become very common with multiple names and specialists of all kinds. We have good surgeons for the rapid removal of fibroids, cysts, polyps and adenomas of the prostate (prostate tumours), but some tumours grow back very quickly if the patient does not change his lifestyle.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 08/09/2022

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Words meanings

All the words (fibroma, myoma, cyst, polyp, prostate adenoma, etc.) only mean the same thing, the same disease and the only difference is the affected organ. All these once strange words have become very popular because of the generalization of these diseases. Our internal mucosa is very irritated and very attacked (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, acid medicine abuse, fake medicine abuse, antibiotic abuse, etc.), we eliminate badly, our blood is too loaded with toxins and all these tumours testify to the effort of the body to get rid of internal toxins and to fight various irritations. According to the origin of the toxins and their point of departure, the body deposits them in different places to best protect the vital organs in the way in which we make piles of the garbage when our house is too dirty. Sometimes our house, our environment is so polluted that it is difficult to clean everything in an instant.

This is exactly what happens in our inner world which needs to be detoxified regularly. Seen from the outside we present a beautiful appearance but seen from the inside it is a lot of mental, physical and spiritual problems. Thus, tumours are just piles of internal garbage composed of various waste products (fat, muscle, blood, hair, pus, toxins, chemicals, etc.). As there are several types of waste (solid, gaseous, liquid, toxic and non-toxic, etc.) we have several types of tumours including localized tumours without branching called benign tumours and tumours with branching called malignant or cancerous tumours. To help you, the Afrique-Santé-Bio centre makes several products available to you, including herbal tea N°10, which can help you preventively and curatively. Herbal tea No. 10 heals and eliminates benign internal tumours (fibroids, myomas, cysts, polyps, prostate adenomas, sebaceous cysts, etc.) with high efficiency. Whether the tumour is on the mucosa or in a muscle, the active ingredients of the herbal tea will do their job. Experience it and you will see the wonders of nature. Even in good health, you need this herbal tea to purify your body. NB: As a preventive measure, the risk can be reduced with a healthy lifestyle and regular elimination.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 08/09/2022

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