If you have miscarriages, or you can't find your periods at all, or you have very light periods, then your uterine cavity may be stuck together, and we speak at this time of uterine synechia.



Uterine synechiae are defined by the presence of total or partial adhesion of the uterine walls to each other.

We talk about Asherman's syndrome, described for the first time in 1950 when these lesions are associated with symptoms that can be multiple: hypo- or secondary amenorrhea, infertility, early spontaneous abortions, or abnormal placentation.

They are the consequence of trauma to the basal layer of the endometrium most often following post-abortion curettage.

Many bodily conditions need to be diagnosed and treated differently for the well-being of human beings. Likewise, uterine synechiae are one such condition and in this article, I will discuss it in detail.


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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 04/08/2022

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Uterine synechiae are a condition related to the endometrial injury. It is also called ASHERMAN'S SYNDROME. This syndrome is characterized by the formation of intrauterine adhesions which can lead to infertility if not treated early enough.

In most cases, it is believed that the disease usually develops four months after pregnancy. It is believed that one of the reasons this condition is becoming common is the routine use of intrauterine interventions.

During pregnancy, the condition has also been referred to as amniotic sheets or amniotic folds. In some cases, the condition can lead to pregnancy complications.

Several studies have been conducted to test the hypothesis that uterine synechiae are associated with pregnancy complications.

Many other studies have been conducted that have shown opposite results. Some researchers claim that the disease does not affect the development and growth of the fetus in any way.

If you are looking for the best remedy that cures synechia then click on the image below.



This condition is one of those asymptomatic diseases that only show symptoms when it worsens. Doctors may only notice the condition during routine ultrasound examinations during pregnancy.

However, some scientists believe that the disease can lead to several other conditions that can lead to associated signs and symptoms.


Absence or loss of menstruation

Rare menstruation also called hypomenorrhea

Uterine synechiae can lead to infertility. The worst condition of this syndrome can lead to recurrent abortion of the fetus in the next 3-4 weeks of pregnancy.

Since adhesions are like scars that form inside the cavity of the uterus, the scar tissue can cause cyclic pelvic pain due to menstruation. When menstrual blood is trapped in the uterus, a woman may experience recurring pain.

In addition, synechia can also result in menstruation in small quantities, called oligomenorrhea. The woman developing synechia suffers from pelvic pain during menstruation, these are caused by poor evacuation of blood. This pathology can result in infertility in the patient, it constitutes an obstacle to the meeting between the sperm and the egg. Implantation of the embryo in the uterus can also be blocked by synechia. It is also the cause of repetitive miscarriage in a patient because the endometrium is abnormal. It should be noted that this condition can manifest itself in pathologies of the placenta.



There can be many causes for this, but here are some of the main ones:

Experts believe that the majority of cases associated with uterine synechiae come from women who have had surgery affecting the uterus or related to pregnancy.

Some other cases are women who had a uterine or instrumentation infection before pregnancy. Any type of infection that can lead to uterine adhesion formation is directly associated with uterine synechiae. One of the main causes of uterine infections is the regular use of intrauterine devices.

The other cause is the surgical removal of myomas and polyps which can lead to the formation of uterine adhesions.



If there are no symptoms associated with uterine synechiae or if the symptoms that exist cause no pain or discomfort, there is no reason for an operation to be performed.

But, if the disease is believed to affect the patient in any way or cause harm to the baby, removal procedures should be performed as soon as possible.

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 04/08/2022

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