Herbal Tea N°075 : Varicocele lotion, natural remedy

Varicocele Natural Remedy with an ovum...The ovum is a suppository made of plants, clay and organic products. The ovule is effective against varicocele, varicose veins. Good remedy for all vein and circulation problems in the pelvic floor.

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Reference: t-075

In stock: 6190

20,00€ inc. tax

  • Condition : new
  • Supplier : ASB
  • Manufacturer : ASB

natural remedy Varicocele lotion the best natural plant for varicocele

Plants Healing Varicocele Testicular

Varicocele Natural Remedy with an ovum...The ovum is a suppository made of plants, clay and organic products. The ovule is effective against varicocele, varicose veins. Good remedy for all vein and circulation problems in the pelvic floor. It is one of the best remedies against varicocele and do not miss this unique healing opportunity. Please discover herbal tea 74 by clicking on TREATMENT of varicocele by the plant. Our treatment is the best because it combines the herbal teas: Herbal Tea 58, Herbal Tea 74, Herbal Tea 75 and Herbal Tea 76. The treatment works in almost 100% of cases. Now, if you suffer from Prostatitis this is another case and please click on PROSTATITE to discover the final solution. Your wife has a problem with blocked tubes, so you can help her with this remedy that unclogs blocked fallopian tubes.

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The Therapeutic Effects of Varicocele Herbal Tea Natural Remedy

 Plants Healing Varicocele are multiple. Indeed, the Herbal Tea 075: Varicocele, Plants to treat varicocele is vasculoprotective and veinotonic. The egg successfully treats varicocele by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cord. The veins become tonic and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins to reach the larger veins such as the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Plants remain a good solution.

Presentation: Ovule in sachets of 10

Composition: Plant extracts and green clay.

Active ingredients of Varicocele Natural Remedy

Highly astringent, vasoconstrictive and depurative elements, tannins, flavonoids, etc.

 Price : 30 €.

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Varicocele is a unilateral or bilateral varicose dilatation of the veins (varicose veins) that surrounds the spermatic cord located in the bursae, above and around each testicle. This dilatation is the consequence of a malfunction of the valves located in the veins. Blood can no longer flow properly up the veins to reach the larger veins such as the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Part of the blood escapes and stagnates in the veins, swelling them and this is a dangerous hindrance to sperm migration. This is one of the causes of male infertility, especially when the varicocele is bilateral.

The treatment that cures varicocele is herbal tea 075. Indeed, the 075 Herbal Tea: Varicocele Herbal Tea Natural Remedy, Plants to Cure Varicocele successfully treats varicocele by strengthening the valves or valves located in these veins of the spermatic cord. The astringent elements it contains tone the veins, activates circulation in the small vessels and prevents the blood from stagnating. Its depurative elements relieve the liver and facilitate the drainage of toxins. A varicocele detected in time and well treated allows the man to regain all his fertility.

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 Indications of the Herbal Tea 075: Varicocele natural remedy, Plants to treat varicocele (egg)

Varicocele, male sterility of origin a varicocele.

Directions for use : Read the leaflet

Probable Causes

-Constipation over a long period of time.

-Standing for many hours

-The practice of violent exercises that solicit the muscles of the pubis and the perineum without appropriate support.

- Problem of constitution of non-tonic flaccid veins (congenital cause).

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Recommendations about Natural Treatment Varicocele,Plants Treat Varicocele

It is recommended to wear firm non-synthetic underwear, to avoid heat sources, hot baths.

Regular cold baths of the testicles, a 5-minute bath, two to three times a day.

- Apply cold water compresses to the testicles for 10 minutes.

-To sleep in a position that facilitates a tilt of the testicles towards the heart, facilitating the flow of blood to the heart.

-You should remove all hot foods, alcohol, coffee, tea and all exciting drinks, as well as tobacco.

- Prefer a diet rich in raw vegetables without tobacco or alcohol.

-No sexual intercourse for a reasonable period of time, in order to keep the veins at minimum service

Note: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, varicocele and venous insufficiency are all vein-related diseases and it is all a question of the location of the inflammation.

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Herbal Tea N°075 : Varicocele lotion, natural remedy

Varicocele Herbal Tea Natural Remedy, Plants Care Varicocele. It is a suppository that cures varicocele. It tones the muscles and veins of the pelvic floor

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