Sexual Disorder, Cause, Symptom, Treatment



The penis becomes erect when it is filled with blood. Indeed, under the effect of stimulation, the muscles of the penis relax and let the blood enter the corpora cavernosa.

The corpora cavernosa are two cylinders that run the length of the penis. These cavernous bodies are formed of a flexible but very resistant shell which allows them to straighten up and become very rigid: we speak of erection. But unfortunately, many causes can prevent this mechanism. We then speak of erectile dysfunction, the definition of which is a lasting decrease in the quality of erections, that is to say an inability to obtain or maintain an erection sufficient to have a satisfactory sexual relationship. If you want to put an end to this disease.

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Sexual impotence natural tratement .

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Phytotherapy is the best solution there is, because this treatment has no impact on health. AFRIQUE SANTE BIO has in its shops the herbal tea that treats sexual breakdowns. Please click on ORGANIC REMEDY to discover our natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.

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Treatment of sexual breakdowns


Is there a difference between erectile dysfunction, priapism and premature ejaculation?

Priapism is not sexual impotence or sexual disorder: it is a painful erection, lasting more than two hours and which occurs without any sexual stimulation and does not result in ejaculation.

Speaking of premature ejaculation, it is the emission of sperm occurring at the very beginning of penetration, or even before it. Like erectile dysfunction, these dysfunctions are considered to disrupt sexual life.

To better understand the causes of sexual impotence disorders, remember that erection takes place in several stages and depends on several parameters:

Sexual arousal related to psychological state and hormonal mechanisms that influence libido.

Sexual desire: stimulation is transmitted from the brain to the penis via the nervous system.

Erection can also be spontaneous (without any stimulation) when it occurs at night, in connection with REM sleep cycles or in the morning upon waking

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 06/08/2022

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Written and edited by DJIMA Rachidatou on 06/08/2022

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Erectile Dysfunction: What Causes It?


It is often very difficult to determine a single cause of an erectile disorder because there are generally three main causes:

  • A physical ailment.
  • Psychological issues.
  • Taking certain medications


Physical factors


Among the main physical factors that cause erectile dysfunction are:

Abnormalities in the blood vessels caused by high blood pressure (40% of erectile function disorders), diabetes, high cholesterol and smoking.

The atheroma plaques which, by depositing on the walls of the arteries irrigating the penis, can cause a narrowing of the arteries and then prevent the blood from circulating correctly to achieve a real erection.

Overweight and obesity.

Abnormalities affecting the nervous system (and therefore the proper functioning) of nerves such as alcoholism, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, stroke or spinal cord injury.

Kidney failure: 40% of men with kidney failure have erectile dysfunction.

Hormonal abnormalities: Male hormone levels that are too low.

Is surgery linked to prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in men and the most performed procedure. Total prostatectomy usually results in (temporary) disappearance of erections. Surgeons very often perform a wide ablation to avoid the risk of leaving cancerous tissue and as the erector nerves are very close to the prostate, they are often damaged. When possible, these nerves are left in place, allowing erections to be restored within less than a year, but in general, it is not uncommon to wait two years to regain erection quality. satisfactory.

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