Blood cancer causes symptoms and natural treatment
- By Houedegnon Zougnon
- On 09/06/2022
Blood cancer is caused by an overproduction of infected white blood cells in the body. This abnormal production gives rise to a proliferation of immature white blood cells resulting in acute or chronic leukemia. We note an inability of white blood cells to fight against viruses and bacteria linked to an overlay of red blood cells and platelets.
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The white blood cells have the vital function of protecting the system from all external silvers such as viruses and bacteria. They are made in the bone marrow. It is therefore obvious that the dysfunction of white blood cells leads to an increase in serious and fatal infections. It is then necessary to know the type of leukemia so that the doctor can decide on the treatment to be followed.
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For cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), it does not need much treatment because its presence does not change the blood in any way. However, the doctor can put the patient on a less powerful diet in order to balance the number of blood cells. A more potent diet is rarely indicated for the purpose of increasing white blood cell counts and treating complications such as anemia.
As for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), the doctor puts the patient on medication called tyrosine kinase inhibitors. This type of treatment is called targeted molecular therapy, and inhibits the ability of affected cells to overstimulate the production of various types of blood cells. In the majority of cases this treatment leaves no trace of the leukemic cells: the patient is then said to be in remission. It can be short or long term.
Acute leukemia, on the other hand, is treated with energy treatment: during these treatments the level of certain components can drop, which leads to a deficiency in red blood cells or an increase in the risk of infection.
Bone marrow transplantation is the only modern way to cure CML. But herbal medicine gives us hope in the cure of this evil. To discover our different treatments for leukemia. Please contact us
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For most cases of leukemia the cause is often unknown. But for others the factors may look like this:
A history of chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Exposure to large amounts of radiation or benzene, (tobacco smoke and chemical production plants)
family heirlooms
A chromosomal deformation (the case of chromosome 22)
Genetic problems such as Down syndrome and Fanconi disease.
We distinguish four types of leukemia as: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia. (CML). The identification signs of leukemia vary according to its corresponding case.
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The dysfunction of the immune system caused by leukemia can lead to a deficiency of white blood cells which is very fatal to the body.
Regarding acute leukemia, the majority of surplus white blood cells are immature, while in chronic leukemia these cells are mature but have a dysfunction.
. In both cases, however, the production of platelets (the cells that make the blood clot) becomes insufficient, which leads to excessive bleeding. Even the smallest bumps or injuries can cause severe bruising or prolonged bleeding, and small red spots may appear under the skin.
Since the immune system is malfunctioning, infections are more common. The lymph nodes and spleen may enlarge, causing pain in the left side of the abdomen.
Clumping of infected cells in the brain and spinal cord leads to migraines and vomiting. These infected cells also clump together in the skin to bring out small puffiness or rashes. The absence of red blood cells makes the complexion pale and causes fatigue and shortness of breath.
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